Tuesday, August 19, 2008

the idea

i have had this idea for some time and now - finally - its about time to realise it. i'll just say as much as this: it's a doll.
and i want her to be unique. so i have been wanting to design the pattern by myself. never done this before...

the last 6 hours were like this...
design pattern, cut fabric, sew (be disappointed but stay optimitic)
work on design, cut fabric, sew(be disappointed)
work on design, cut fabric, sew (result still disappointing)
work on design, cut fabric, sew (result: *grrrr*)
anda again...(result: ok this is finally getting better)

this time i think i will make it work. hope so!

final result: 5 (partly angular) heads, 3 bodies, 1 arm and 1 leg (absolutely useless) and 1 beautiful and perfekt (well! atleast i think so) pattern.

more to come soon

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