Wednesday, August 27, 2008

finally getting there

i had wanted an airy living room with lots of white, a little blue and even less pink for ages. i wanted to get rid of the dark red wall (we only painted it 12 mounths ago) on the one side of the living room. everything should be white - plain white. well to say the least i was the only person in this household wanting all this.

i had been trying to convince boyfriend on several occassions. showing him magazines with living rooms i liked, asking his opinion on different colour combinations, trying to not get overly excited when he finally (after 8 mounths- gosh! i was so patient on this topic) stated that he did indeed enjoy shabby chic. now don't get too excited yourselves: he doesn't know what shabby chic is, i figured it out that he must be meaning SHABBY CHIC(!).

so i went and bought all that fabric and was SOOOO thrilled when it finally arrived. i started planning and enjoy playing with the different fabrics, ribbons, buttons, etc. the other day boyfriend was in a very low mood. wanting to cheer him up i thought i would show him what i had been working on.

shouldn't have done that...

photo: love that paisley fabric

boyfriend and i had our first (semi-serious) raw on the topic. don't worry didn't last long. we were talking and laughing about it already a couple of hours later. so we(!) have finally decided to at least try it and than live with it and see how we feel about it.

photo: backside of the cushions. buttons still missing.

please cross your fingers because i really like it.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

combination love

lovely colour combinations....

mhhh these little goodies (such a sweet fabric). i'm saving it for something very special. but i love the combination between the dark red gingham, the chocolat coloured curderoy, and the light pink fabric.

i started this little quilt the other day. for the front i chose a light blue fabric, lilac gingham and the flower fabric. the back is the most softest white corduroy. i still haven't made up my mind what i will do for the binding.

this is one of my other most favourites. i bought the fabric with the little fish in germany someday and i have been looking for a appropriate project. i wanted the fabric to be part of my "studio". where i can see it everytime i walk into the room. it has become a new cover for mathilda (also known as my beloved sewing machine).

the idea

i have had this idea for some time and now - finally - its about time to realise it. i'll just say as much as this: it's a doll.
and i want her to be unique. so i have been wanting to design the pattern by myself. never done this before...

the last 6 hours were like this...
design pattern, cut fabric, sew (be disappointed but stay optimitic)
work on design, cut fabric, sew(be disappointed)
work on design, cut fabric, sew (result still disappointing)
work on design, cut fabric, sew (result: *grrrr*)
anda again...(result: ok this is finally getting better)

this time i think i will make it work. hope so!

final result: 5 (partly angular) heads, 3 bodies, 1 arm and 1 leg (absolutely useless) and 1 beautiful and perfekt (well! atleast i think so) pattern.

more to come soon

Saturday, August 16, 2008

dress no. 1

summer here in vienna has been soooooo hot that i was in need of a little airy tunica. i have had this pattern (anna tunic from amy butler) for a long time now and i just couldn't find the right fabric for it. well, the other day i found it... its a light and easy to iron cutton with the most cutest print.
i started of in making a tunic and changed my mind during the cutting process. this always happens to me.

in the end a added a stip of fabric at the bottom

i like it...

Monday, August 11, 2008

en voyage

the little quilt for the new sweetie still needed a little label. to make it i sewed two pieces of fabric (right sides facing each other) together just leaving a small gap for turning in-side-out. after turning it i sewed around it to close the gap and give the label i sweet frame. next time i’ll try a bright colored yarn (yellow would have looked nice). i finally stitched the name of the little one, his birth date and my name on it. this was the most challenging part because i’m very fussy and i wanted it to be accurately centred (well didn’t make that one this time - maybe next time then). having finished the label, i blind stitched it to the back right buttom corner.

guarded by a little gnom

the quilt is on its way to warm and cuddle the newly born.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

baby gift

one of my all time favorite craft projects are little quilts for little ones. and beeing the age i am i have lots of friends expecting their first child or in some cases even their second one. what a lucky person i am. i have recently finished this dear little quilt.

this is a project i have had in mind since i knew that a special little one was on his - yes the parents-to-be couldn't wait to know - way. i wanted it to be a quilt not too babyish. something he might still want to cuddle with when he gets older.

in my attempt to achieve this i decided not to use any overly babyish prints. that was the plan. i fainally ended up with a babyish front and a more mature backing.

and i just had to make the bias myself.