Wednesday, August 27, 2008

finally getting there

i had wanted an airy living room with lots of white, a little blue and even less pink for ages. i wanted to get rid of the dark red wall (we only painted it 12 mounths ago) on the one side of the living room. everything should be white - plain white. well to say the least i was the only person in this household wanting all this.

i had been trying to convince boyfriend on several occassions. showing him magazines with living rooms i liked, asking his opinion on different colour combinations, trying to not get overly excited when he finally (after 8 mounths- gosh! i was so patient on this topic) stated that he did indeed enjoy shabby chic. now don't get too excited yourselves: he doesn't know what shabby chic is, i figured it out that he must be meaning SHABBY CHIC(!).

so i went and bought all that fabric and was SOOOO thrilled when it finally arrived. i started planning and enjoy playing with the different fabrics, ribbons, buttons, etc. the other day boyfriend was in a very low mood. wanting to cheer him up i thought i would show him what i had been working on.

shouldn't have done that...

photo: love that paisley fabric

boyfriend and i had our first (semi-serious) raw on the topic. don't worry didn't last long. we were talking and laughing about it already a couple of hours later. so we(!) have finally decided to at least try it and than live with it and see how we feel about it.

photo: backside of the cushions. buttons still missing.

please cross your fingers because i really like it.

1 comment:

HappySquirrel said...

Good job! That is really pretty. I love your blog. You are very talented!